REVISED: Sunday, June 7, 2015
I. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
AI is the discipline that deals with uncertainty and manages it in decision making.
When you are asked this question you are immediately confident you know the answer. However, when you are asked to express your thoughts in words, you suddenly realize the words, are not there.
The problem comes from the word "artificial." Artificial could mean many things; however, in regards to AI, "non-human" springs to mind.
The question becomes, "What is 'non-human' Intelligence?" As a species humans have historically vehemently denied the existence of "non-human" intelligence. We base our beliefs on how we perceive reality. Our perceptions tend to be self centered. Many of us feel threatened when confronted with the possibility of "non-human" intelligence because "non-human" intelligence is inherently difficult for humans to grasp with our built-in mental faculties.
However, by observing nature we can define non-human intelligence as divide and conquer problem solving. By watching animals we see them solve problems by breaking their problems down into incremental sub-optimal solutions. They try a solution, if it does not work they try another solution, learning from each mistake until they solve the problem. Their solution does not have to be a perfect solution, it just has to be a solution that works. Animals in nature do this all the time and its not really any different from the way humans solve problems. "Mother Nature" gave each species exactly the amount of "intelligence" they needed to survive.
Humans are changing the earth, our home, our environment. We have changed the earth to such an extent we need more "intelligence" than "Mother Nature" gave us to survive. To make up for what we are lacking we have created AI. We are using computer science, mathematics, electronics, logic and any straw we can grasp to survive. We have named this survival technique Artificial Intelligence because the problems we have created are beyond our flesh and blood human intelligence to solve.
II. What is the State of the Art?
Firstly, YASKAWA BUSHIDO PROJECT / industrial robot vs sword master.
Secondly, NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers were in the news and spoke well of the state of the art of AI.
Thirdly, IBM's Deep Blue AI defeated the word champion chess master Garry Kasparov.
These three examples show the state of the art of AI.
We are still learning how to survive, and AI will help us survive.
Elcric Otto Circle
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